Thursday, March 5, 2015

Like Many people

I know there are alot of people who have dreams that wish would desperately come true. Just like those people so do I. I have dreams of being recognized as a writer. Not just someone who spills her thoughts on paper or on a computer screen but some one who actually has a great way of expressing her thoughts on paper. I have the ability to type a 3-page paper on any given topic in an hour. (with the proper research of course) I have the power to spill my heart and soul into everything that I write. Forgetting about the possibility of having grammatical errors, I have too much training for that. I have gone several schools where they require that I write efficiently but so that what I write makes sense. I think that I have taken that meaning to a whole other level. I'm the kind of girl that enjoys going to the library so much I have one overdue book that I almost forgot I had and that I owned. I spend more time at the library or writing than I do doing my own hair. I mean every time I lay my head down to sleep my head is spinning with different thoughts that I just have to get out on paper. I had someone ask me what type of writer I want to be and do you know what my response is, the one without any boundaries the kind that not only can express their thoughts freely but openly without any harsh opinion of others.

To be honest I dont even remember the first time I began taking writing seriously. Maybe it was the time that my teacher gave me my first 5- paragraph essay with the 5 sentences per paragraph rule and oh yeah dont for get to indent and captialize every letter that comes after a period. And please oh please no redundancies or fragments. What the heck is a fragment anyway? We speak in fragments therefore they should be acceptable to put on paper right??? Oh wait Im rambling but thats what it take to be a writer, Just ramble and keep rambling until those rambles become complete thoughts and sentences.

I don't know what annoys me more. When people say they dislike writing or when people say its too much or they prefer not to do it. How far do you expect to get in life with that attitude. You are going have to write for the rest of your life whether it be a simple text or signing your life away on a house or insurance you are still going to have to compose your thoughts. I try to take that nagging feeling most people consider it to be and transform it into a craft. I like to use words and make them beautifullllll! See even blogger tries to grammtically change what I say. Go Figure

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