Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Only Time Can Tell

Over the past few weeks, I've had time to think and consider a lot of alternatives to my personal love life. For years, I always thought I needed someone to be there for me, to love me, to cherish me, but those fairy tales only happen in the movies and will never be reality, at least not for me.

I have dreams of getting married and having children. I have every detail right down to the exact color of my dress in mind. The only problem is I have no idea who will step up, be a man and fill the largest position in my dreams.

I set my expectations high for a reason. I want my guy to be just as ambitious and set for life as I am. I dont want to be picky and I do not want to him to worry about financial stability or anything except taking care of me and his children. How hard is that to find?

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