Friday, December 26, 2014


Writing has become more than a chore or an assignment. It is now a great pass time.If a person were to ask me why I enjoy it so much, I simply say its "Easier to write my opinion then it is to voice it." But do not get me wrong, I know how to communicate perfectly when I need to be direct.My assertiveness for writing has become more relevant since I am in college getting ready to begin my professional career.

 My communications director and professor for numerous classes Mr. Fredregill, has played a huge part in why i want to pursue writing as a vital element in my career endeavors. He challenges our thoughts with tough critiques but criticism that we can handle as young adults. His opinions make us think about what we write and how we write it.

Aside from writing, as a hobby individually. I love researching new material and also learning about different theories in the world of Ethics. Ethics became an interest of mine when I took the course in the Fall of my Junior year of College at #AIBCollegeOfBusiness. I was able to acquire knowledge of how different people percieve different thoughts and ideas to be considered moral. In relevance to writing and composing I think that Ethics becomes important when we consider the audience to whom we are speaking. I have hopes of avoiding any confrontation or confusion.

Some of my favorite Theorists and theories in Ethics are:

  • Immanuel Kant (Deontological Theory)
  • Ayn Rand (Selfishness in society)
  • John Stuart Mill (Utility)
  • Virtue ethics

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

End of the Year

Well, 2014 is coming to an end fast. With so many tragedies and so many changes its hard to keep up. As a person I have learned this year to adapt and accept those changes. Whether it be through dating other people. living with a new person or simply improving my mindset. 2014 has caused many people to become violent in that violence is the answer to every thing that happens. For example the last few incidents involving law enforcement and harmless individuals. 2014 has forced people to think about what is to come for 2015.

New Years Resolutions

I hate making these, because lets be honest, who seriously stays on top of these for 365 days. Some of them are unrealistic and some of them are cliche. However, I can come up with a few minor resolutions that I can attempt to follow for the upcoming year.

         Limit my spending
         Start saving for my after college expenses
         Start Saving for my 21st birthday in the Summer
         Keep my nice shape
         Try not to over eat
         Keep my abs just right
         Find a good paying one in the fields of either
                          Public Relations; Media Coordination; Media Law; or Marketing
        start living the way I plan to live when I am on my own